We hope you’ve enjoyed watching the animations and reading the info pages. If you’re a teacher or other educator using the animations in teaching then we’d love to hear your feedback and any of the great ideas you’ve had about using the animations in class - just drop us a line through the contacts page.
We have exciting plans for the future, so please click Follow at the bottom of the blog if you’d like to get notifications on updates, interviews, and new materials. You can also follow Sonya on Twitter @SonyaNevin.
Our next major project is an online subscription-based service giving access to more extensive animations, plus further teaching resources including lesson plans, specialist background information, and a wide range of educational activities. The first set of animations will be based on four great vases that are on the UK A-level syllabus. So expect something truly amazing next year, with animations made from some of the finest vessels from antiquity. The material will be aimed at teachers for use in the classroom, based on our knowledge of classics teaching and input from classics and ancient history teachers from around the UK and beyond. If there’s anything you’d like us to include, please let us know :)
We’re also continuing to work with museums and schools to create more pupil-led animations that will be added to the open-access material on Panoply.
Watch this space...

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