Monday 5 October 2015

Animation Launch for ‘Bad Karma’

We have pictures for you from the recent launch of ‘Bad Karma’ at the UCD Classical Museum in Dublin. Visitors gathered to see the animation for the first time and to congratulate the two winners of the Irish Schools’ Storyboarding Competition.

Above, L-to-R, Steve Simons (Panoply animator), Sonya Nevin (Panoply), Winners Frank O’Grady and Eamonn O’Broin of Gonzaga College, Jo Day (Curator), and Ian Maguire (Chair of CAI-T, the competition sponsors).

Above, Steve meets a proud mother of one of the competition winners

Above, visitors gather in the museum for a large scale projection of the animation..

Above, Chair of the Classical Association of Ireland – Teachers, Ian Maguire, presented winners Eamonn and Frank with certificates..

Above, the tablet featuring Bad Karma and The Procession alongside the vase they were made from.
Above, museum curator Dr Jo Day chats to UCD Registrar, Prof. Mark Rogers about the collection.

Above, the launch featured an exhibition which included a shortlist of storyboards entered into the competition and details of the animation process.

Above, visitors enjoyed a drink and a chat as they explored the collection.

Many thanks to everyone who attended and to all those who supported the competition. Special thanks to Museum Assistant Aoife Walshe who organised the evening. Aoife was also part of the MA class who planned The Procession.
There is more about the animation and the vase it was made for on its webpage:, and of course we recommend a visit to see the vase itself at the museum.