Monday, 17 June 2013

Ure Discovery Museum Trail Launched!

We’re delighted to say that the Ure Discovery Museum Trail was launched successfully today. Visitors to the Ure Museum at the University of Reading can now take the i-pad trail around the museum, seeing vase animations and other material right next to the vases they’re made from.

On Saturday night we attended a special launch event at the museum, where pupils involved in the project showed friends and family their artwork and saw the animations and trail for the first time. Curator Amy Smith welcomed us all and explained the background to the project – how the Arts Council supported the vision of teenagers curating their own responses to the collection. Annette Howard, of local chariot AACT (Access-ability Communications Technology), explained how the digital trail she’s created increases the accessibility of the collection. Steve discussed the animation process and explained some of the interpretative choices he made in transforming the teenagers’ storyboards into animations. And students and pupils who took part in the project told us all how much they’d enjoyed working with the collection and seeing the project come to fruition. Assistant Curator, Guja Bandini, who coordinated Ure Discovery, finished up the presentations by thanking all the participants and inviting everyone to enjoy a drink and look round the fabulous exhibition of project artwork.

A great night all round, soon to be followed by the animations appearing on Panoply in a weekly series starting later this week.

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